Posts Tagged 'Chicago Bulls'

NBA Thursday: Starring Manu’s bald spot

Watching tonight’s ESPN doubleheader, the unavoidable thought in my mind was how different the NBA would be if Carlos Boozer had stuck around in Cleveland. Booze is exactly the type of mobile scoring big man that would make LeBron even more of a monster. Imagine Boozer at the four alongside Varejeo or Big Z at the 5 depending on the matchup? Scary stuff.

Chicago at Cleveland

If I’m a Cavs fan, even though it’s only been five games into the season, I am officially very, very worried. Chicago was incredibly mediocre on both sides of the ball but because Cleveand’s offense was so inept, the Bulls ground out an ugly road win despite poor shooting and broken execution.

Charles Barkley provided some actual basketball insight in wondering why Mike Brown keeps trotting Shaq and Big Z out there at the same time. The Cavs’ twin towers have trouble guarding mobile bigs in the pick and roll and neither of them command a double team on offense. That same big lineup got burned in Toronto repeatedly as well, so what gives? In my mind, it’s the Kevin Durant phenomena — except in reverse.

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